Media Home Page
Welcome to Wayland Bonds Media Center! Media Specialist: Kristen Lassiter Media Assistant: Jenise Clopton A Message from Mrs. Lassiter...
Welcome to the Media Center website for Wayland Bonds Elementary. Our Media Center provides students and teachers with a wide variety of printed books, instructional resources, audio-visual-based materials and technology-based resources to enhance the curriculum and promote academic success for all students. Teachers and students are encouraged to make full use of all resources available in the Media Center. It is my pleasure to help your student discover their favorite author, the next book in a favorite series, or even an interest in a whole new genre.
The mission of the Moore Public Schools library media program is to enable students and staff to become life-long learners and effective users of ideas and information. To accomplish this mission, library media specialists and classroom teachers cooperate in planning and providing units of study, which integrate information skills with classroom content. Resources and activities representing a diversity of experiences and skills assist the students in becoming skilled users of information. The program also will emphasize the value of reading for pleasure and the appreciation and enjoyment of literature.
Email Mrs. Lassiter
Enroll in the library Canvas Course